Probate Law

The inheritance shall be subject to the Spanish legal system, so that two-thirds of the inheritance will be attributed to his descendants, one of them necessarily divided between the sons/daughters equally and without any charge; and another with the possibility of being freely distributed by...

You are on the top of the hill…still enjoying your recent slice shot on 18th hole. You are sure it was your cutest banana ball and you told others it was intentional when the ball landed on the green. And now you see a rewarding view of...

The answer is no in what refers to the relevant and substantial legal aspects of the Probate. The Spanish Civil Code (Código Civil) indicates that the national Law of each person at the time of their death will be the one legally governing their inheritance....

  (From a recent binding official reply to a formal consultation made to the Spanish Central Tax Office)   The legal arrangement of the Trust is not recognized as such by the Spanish legal system. The Convention of The Hague internationally applicable to the Trust and its recognition...

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